Bisq DAO Cycle 14

The figures on this page are compiled from data files generated by the Bisq software. You can verify everything yourself by running these scripts on GitHub.

Cycle Started1 Jun 2020 / Block 632587

Cycle Ended1 Jul 2020 / Block 637266

Supply Change+ 111,451

Governance26 of 29 proposals accepted

Network Funds Transfers

BSQ Amount # of transactions
 Proof-of-burn¹ 10,600 1
 Trading fees² 5,585 2,313
 Compensation request fees 52 26
 Asset listing fees 30 1
 Blind vote fees 28 14
 Proposal fees 4 2
 Reimbursement request fees 2 1
Total Burn 16,301 2,528
 Compensation³ 127,752
 Reimbursements⁴ 0
Total Issuance 127,752
Net BSQ Supply Change⁵ +111,451

¹ Proof-of-burn includes trading fees paid in BTC and disputed BTC deposits for trades that went to arbitration (see docs for more details). Funds may be accrued and burned in different cycles, so proof-of-burn figures do not map directly to activity in their cycles.

² BSQ trading fees only. BTC trading fees are included in proof-of-burn.

³ See more details on GitHub.

⁴ Over time, the net impact of reimbursement issuances on BSQ supply is close to zero, as corresponding amounts of BTC are burned through proof-of-burn (see docs for more details).

⁵ Decreases in BSQ supply are good.


Parameter change proposal for REIMBURSEMENT_MAX_AMOUNT


This parameter change increased the maximum reimbursement amount from 40,000 to 80,000.

The goal is to increase this parameter to 100,000 in the next cycle.

Before Cycle 12, the upper limit for a compensation request was 100,000 BSQ while the upper limit for a reimbursement request was only 10,000 BSQ. As a result, because the arbitrator’s reimbursement requests would often be rather large, they had to make compensation requests instead of reimbursement requests.

Bonded role proposal for ROCKET_CHAT_ADMIN


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